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Company Confidential -  2023
CSC PriCPA for Azure
Version 1.0.4
Company Confidential -  2023
About Maidenhead Bridge 
Maidenhead Bridge (MHB) is a leader in the emerging multi-cloud network software providers (MCNS) category.

MHB unique solution lets customers connect from any virtual platform and cloud with Cloud Security Connectors (CSC) for Secure Service
 Edge (SSE) vendors.

MHB is a technology partner of Zscaler and Netskope, and provides Cloud Security Connectors since 2016.

MHB has more than 250 customers worldwide. 

Adrian Larsen, a member of the first Zscaler SE team in 2009, founded Maidenhead Bridge in 2016 to solve the challenges when connecting
to SSE vendors from Public Clouds (AWS, Azure, GCloud) and On-Prem. 

MHB follows the Unix Principle: "Do One Thing and Do It Well"
About Private Cloud Private Access 
Private Cloud Private Access (PriCPA) is a cloud-native solution for WAN communications that covers the scenarios of site-to-site,
site-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud, following the principles of Zero Trust.

Legacy security networking solutions cannot be fork-lifted to the cloud. There are technical, operational and security limitations when using
Legacy solutions. Networking engineers designed Legacy networking solutions to communicate branches, central offices and data centres. 

Cloud communications arrived with new challenges of networking, security and, mainly, operational agility. Applications are now distributed
 in multiple VNET/VPCs of different clouds, APIs are required to be accessed from numerous sites, and we still need to communicate with
on-prem services.

An agile method of any-to-any secure encrypted communications with zero trust is required, and Private Cloud Private Access is the answer
to this challenge.
Company Confidential -  2023
The evolution of Private Traffic (I): MPLS and SDWAN
The evolution of Private Traffic (II): Cloud / Hybrid -> VPN Gateways + BGP
Company Confidential -  2023
The evolution of Private Traffic (III): Cloud / Hybrid -> Secure Cloud Brokers
Company Confidential -  2023
The evolution of Private Traffic (IV): MCNS -> Crypto Key Routing
Company Confidential -  2023
CSC PriCPA for Azure - Azure Marketplace
Company Confidential -  2023
Pay as you go via Azure Marketplace - Price per CPU/hr - No extra licenses are required 
CSC PriCPA for Azure in High Availability.
The CSC does it all. Nothing else is required. (i.e. Load Balancer)
Company Confidential -  2023
Company Confidential -  2023
Deployment, Management and Monitoring.
Thank you! 
Sales Contact:
Adrian Larsen
Company Confidential -  2023

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